[Finally, is it time for revival...!?]
Kapitel 98: The form of love
SFX: roar
[Wherever you are, I will definitely find you.]
[The only fragment,]
[that had failed to come to me.]
SFX: roar
SFX: roar
Profe: Verloren's face...!!
Labrador: !?
SFX: light
SFX: slide slip slip
Soldier: Uwaaah!!
Soldier: !?
Soldier: Wh-... What the hell with this light...!?
SFX: slide
Soldier: He-... Hey!! The black thing is drawing back!!
Maid: Ouka-sama!! You cannot move with that kind of body!!
Ouka: If I don't stop it there, who will do it then!!
Ouka: !?
People: This is...
SFX: roar
Ghost: It's responding to the lights grasped by Verloren...!?
Ghost: What exactly that light is...?
Verloren: Eve...
Verloren: ...Why... are you here...?
SFX: appears
Eve: I was here ever since I fell from the heaven.
Eve: All these lights are me.
Eve: I was spread all around this world since I fell.
Eve: I melted into all humans and became a form of love.
Eve: Like what you've said once to me, I became something that's not visible in the eyes.
Eve: So that I would always know, wherever you are... // Wishing for that...
[From now on, calamity will fall upon all humans in this human world however,]
[I'll protect all precious things in this world一...]
Eve: Father told me that love doesn't exist inside you but,
Eve: you learned it by yourself, // and sprouted love.
Eve: However, because you're a reaper,
Even: even love, by your flawlessness,
[will unfortunately find its end.]
Eve: However, during your repeated reincarnation in human world, // changes started to occur in that logic of yours.
Eve: I have seen everything,
Eve: from the conscience of humans from all over the world.
Eve: About you this time which were born as the 3rd prince of Raggs Kindom.
Eve: and about how you find tranquility in your life there.
[My emotion was so quiet like there's a membrane wrapping it.]
[Conversely, it was a situation where the emotion was under restrain.]
[I couldn't understand what this feeling was.]
[Ever since I don't know when, I was always thinking about how to acquire this specific soul一...]
[And then,]
[How could it be for mother to jump from the tower!!]
[There's no way mother would do that!]
[Exactly, who was it who did this to Mother...!!]
[By killing, I made it eternal within me.]
[Tighten the security within the castle!!]
[This is what I've been searching for.]
[Krom, Kroits, Krowell.]
[Do not move around all by yourself.]
Eve: You, who can't escape from the curse for a thousand year, // welcomed a tragic end no matter how may times you were reincarnated.
Eve: However, when you were 14 years old, // you attended the coronation ceremony of Empress Dalia who held the Eye of Raphael,
Eve: and there, coincidentally, Verloren's memory was released and you were awaken...
[There's a mysterious seal put on you...]
[It must be quite painful for you to be like that.]
[I'll release it for you.]
Eve: Because Dalia-san was brainwashed for military purposes, // she couldn't recognize that your seal is something that can't be released.
Eve: Due to the seal released, you regained your memory when you were Verloren, // and became a Warsfile.
Even: In order to let you live, your father fabricated your execution,
Eve: and exiled you to the empire.
Eve: together with an aide called Yukikaze.
Even: Then, the emperor fell in love at first sight on your power, and use you as military force, // and eventually, the Raggs War began...
[You who were ousted of Raggs Kingdom,]
[while searching for Pandora's box for revival,]
[thinking it was an opportunity,]
[there, you make souls that you failed to grab eternal.]
[and once again, the turning point arrived一...]
Eve: You were struck by Yukikaze's love who threw his own life away to save you...
Eve: Therefore, you realized,
Eve: You way of love up till now, // just the same as this, nothing changed with that fact that you'll lose something.
Eve: After that, using Vertrag's power,
Eve: you, who turned the souls you obtained into halves,
Eve: didn't take away and make the souls you wanted eternal, // instead you keep all those by your side.
Eve: Gazing at that light,
Eve: and being attracted to it,
Eve: You didn't kill, but you started to protect them from being killed.
Eve: That's right, //see? you also have something important you're supposed to protect.
[As long as you're in this world,]
[what you, who are invisible to naked eyes see,]
Ayanami: ...You, // the same as usual, quite talkative...
Eve: ...Because, you're already,
Eve: about to make your journey after all...
[It's a sign that,]
SFX: bzzz一...
[the day for me to be gone from this world has come.]
Verloren: For a reaper to be cut by his own scythe, // means death.
Verloren: It's time...
SFX: ssssh
[I have to go.]
[it's not even hell.]
[To the world of 'nothingness' where not even that is allowed.]
SFX: crumble crumble
Eve: No, I won't let you turn into dust.
SFX: grab
Eve: believe, that love has sprouted... // within you...
Ayanami: What are you planning... Teito Klein?
Teito: ...Someone like you,
Teito: even if I don't have a reason to save you...
Teito: I wonder why... I can't just cast you away...
Ayanami: ......
Teito: I still have a lot, // that I want to say to you,
Teito: and want you to listen.
SFX: roar
[This smell...]
[Chief Ayanami's-...]
Ayanami: What a fool you are, Teito Klein. Let go of my hand.
[I have countless substitute for a guard but,]
[I don't have replacement for you, my excellent subordinate.]
Teito: Even though I hate you this much... // just because you're my only family left...
Teito: ...I never thought that I would hate to lose you just because of that reason.
SFX: blop
Teito: !!
SFX: sip sip
[This one is someone who is to return to nothing. Let go of your hand.]
Teito: Wait!!
Teito: I have business with this guy!!
SFX: drag drag drag
SFX: shaky
Teito: Urgh
[If you get in my way, I'll just drag you along with me.]
SFX: slash
SFX: woosh
Ayanami: You're far too lenient, Teito Klein.
SFX: slump
Teito: Ayanami!!
SX: flap flap
Ayanami: !
SFX: whoosh
Ayanami: Oh my Creator...
Eve: I'm sure because love guided you toward the right deed, // that you're able to help.
[it really is like that,:]
[it's you who have guided me toward something called love.]
[have always anxiously awaited you, coming to visit me.]
[On the snowy days where the snow falls and piles up without any sound,]
[and on breezy spring days where the beautiful flowers start budding,]
[and on summer days where lives bloom in fullness,]
[and on autumn days where the lives withered away,]
[and even on the day when you lost you life.]
[about you, have always一...]
[The time where he knows love... Next, the touching last chapter!!]
Seems like, this series will end in the next chapter!
And I'm looking for translating related part time job atm! So if you have any, feel free to contact me!