So tell me! Who has been waiting for this chapter?
I have cookies for you!^^
Spoiler images from Hyuuaya-san's blog here.
[The hopelessly intense, pure wish.]
Kapitel 90: The Never-ending Night 2
Ouka: Teito!! Leave here to me.
Ouka: Hurry and go!!
Kal: Is there any exits other than that door!?
Emperor: We can escape using the emergency elevator connected to the laboratory above!
Teito: Mikhael... Are you okay!?
[The noise is so terrible, I can't hear anything...!]
[Emergency elevator, running.]
[Detaching the unit code.]
SFX: rumble rumble rumble
Teito: !! // We can't leave Ouka!!
Kal: Do not waste Rosemanelle's determination!!
Kal: Your mission is to protect Pandora's Box!!
Emperor: Ouka is my daughter! I'll sta-...
Kal: Your Majesty has to protect Teito's mother.
SFX: burst
SFX: throb
[Urgh... The noise again...]
SFX: woosh
SFX: woosh
SFX: woosh woosh
[This is...]
[The memory from before I was brainwashed by Ayanami...!?]
SFX: woosh woosh
Ayanami: ... // ...taste... -ke
Ayanami: ...Ragg... -line... right?
SFX: woosh
SFX: woosh
Ayanami: It tastes like... Raggs's bloodline right?
[What... was he talking about...]
Ayanami: As an entertainment,
Ayanami: I'll tell you a truth which will make you want to cover the memory with a lid... // The Raggs's King that I killed had sibling but,
Ayanami: To be more specific, it wasn't just two.
Ayanami: Krom,
Ayanami: Kreuz,
Ayanami: and,
Ayanami: Krowell.
Ayanami: That's right.
Ayanami: That is...
SFX: roar
SFX: roar
SFX: roar
Kal: What's wrong, Teito...?
Teito: Mom...
Teito: Did Dad... had... 3... siblings...?
Millea: Krom-sama's... siblings...?
Millea: ...Yes.
Millea: If I'm not mistaken... he died... when he was young...
Nillea: The youngest brother... Krowell-sama... was...
Millea: really...
Millea: loved, preciously... so I heard...
Machine: Beep
Soldier: Hurry up and open it!! What are you doing!!
Soldier: It's... it's the error again!! We can't open it!!
Soldier: I hear it was a black monster but...
Soldier: Let me guess... // It must be a hacker who has barricade himself inside right!?
Frau: ......
Frau: I just closed the door because you were too loud.

SFX: snap
SFX: snap // snap
Frau: It's hard to hold back. *It stuck*
Scythe: Gyoru...
Soldier: Gurh... This is not the time to be folding my arms at this kind of place... // Not to mention, there is no progerss in Roseamanelle-sama's search too...!!
Soldier: Roseamanelle-sama's disappearance and this barricade happened almost at the same time!
SFX: whoosh
Soldier: WHAT!? Hah, I guess...
Soldeir: It was you right!! You kidnapped Roseamanelle-sama and shut yourself in right!?
Frau: ...
Soldier: Open it!! There's no place for you to run!!

Soldier: If something happened to Roseamanelle-sama,
[A young girl kidnapper]
Soldier: Even if we have to sacrifice our lives, our whole military will eradicate you and your whole family and all your followers!!
Frau: Don't mess with me!! // I can't get out even if I want to!!!
SFX: Bam bam bam
Soldier: Gyaaaa
Frau: Bring the super S chief who locked me up here at once!!
SFX: stomp // stomp // stomp...
Scythe: ...Gyoru?

Scythe: Gyorurururu!!
Frau: Uwoh!! Stop struggling!!
Frau: ...Ah... It moved?
Frau: It's getting near...?
SFX: Thud
SFX: Thud
Katsuragi: Well then...
Katsuragi: Time to go to where Teito-kun is.
[The ground is shaking... I feel like throwing up...]
[How could there be a ridiculous story like this.]
[For that guy to be within...]
[My precious family...]
Millea: Tia...she...? // What's... wrong...?
Teito: ...Mom... // It's okay... It's nothing...
[Aah... What a horrible dream.]
Machine: Beep
Scientist: ! // The emergency elevator from the lower research lab is arriving.
SFX: psshh
Kal: ...Geez... Making a face like you're gonna faint anytime.
SFX: dash
SFX: Gasp
Teito: !?
Scientist: Your Majesty...!? This is...
Kal: Let me go!! Saying me making a horrible face, it's not like you can see it!!
Kal: I know even if I can't see.
Emperor: My important guest. Let them through.
Kal: Seems like you've grown up a bit...
SFX: run run run run
teito: Let me go!! I can run by myself!!
Kal: Do you know where Zehel is?
Teito: Yes. // I checked it immediately after my memory returned so I know the general location.
SFX: Thunk
Kal: I see.
Kal: You go first.
SFX: roar roar roar
SFX: thud
Teito: !?
Kal: I was locked on just now.
Teito: Kal...?
SFX; roar roar
Kal: I firmly protected you for 10 years.
Kal: You have to live on.
SFX: gasp
Teito: Kal... It can't be...
Teito: Yours and my...
Teito: Did you change our soul numbers...!?
Katsuragi: !?
SFX: boom
Kal: I've been waiting for you, Landkarte.
Katsuragi: ...Ea.
[They were once friends who communicate through hearts. What the fated reunion brings is?
[To be continued next month.]
Well well well!
Finally! It was only for a few pages but it's still FRAU!!
And OMG!! Is Ayanami Teito's uncle?? Unexpected twist here! Never thought of that before!
I guess Hyuuga's part is over for now!
And Kal! May the God be with you. *LOL* He's supposed to be the god!
Password: uncle