YAAAA Christmas break! Super glad that the semester is done for school. That last semester had way too many foundation classes. I am happy to report though, that I will never again have to take a math or an English class in school.
Right now I'm reading a pretty good book by Corrine Jackson called Touched. I've been spending most of my break reading books and sleeping a lot. Oh, and of course working on this manga ;)
Now, onto the password...
Chapter 18 password: newyear

We've had some new people join the group as editors, to which I am very grateful =)
It's both the end of the year and the end of the hot springs trip for Yuurin and Heika. Good thing too, I don't think Yuurin can take much more of the hot springs drama. Some interesting stuff happens in this chapter. Yuurin's reactions and expressions are always funny to me.
Hope everyone is having a great break from school!