Ookami Heika no Hanayome Chapter 16
[Hakuyou Country // Inner Palace]
[I, Tei Yuurin (Occupation; Part-time bride) is currently]
Yuurin: You're really not going?
[carrying out a certain plan.]
[Hakuyou Country King; Haku Reishou]
Yuurin: Just when you told me, "By all means, take a break"...
[Every year, when winter comes, it's customary for Hakuyou Country's king to get away from the royal city, // and head toward the imperial villa for recuperation. // However,]
Heika: Everyone is always so fussy about that every year. // It's annoying, so I have always ignored it though.
[...it seems like, the current king is quite reluctant to do so.]
Yuurin: The natural beauty of the hills and rivers landscape...
SFX: Gogogo *wrrr*
Yuurin: The various local dishes that can't be tasted anywhere else, made using vegetables and fishes in season...!! // And the best of all, I heard that the hot springs are great to take away the fatigue of the heart and body...!?
Yuurin: Once you go there, I heard that you'll be addicted...!
Heika: Yuurin, from whom did you hear all that?
SFX: scroll scroll
SFX: sob
Yuurin: ......... // The officials were chatting with me at the office...
*Every year, around this time*
*Before I know it*
Heika: If the Wolf King goes for a trip, they'll be at ease too after all.
SFX: turn
Heika: As I thought, it really is just a waste of time.
Heika: In the first place, I don't really like hot springs.
SFX: wham
Yuurin: EEEHH!? *Even though you really enjoyed it when you secretly took a holiday before!*
Yuurin: *I* I heard the hot bath is gushing out for 24 hours you know!? // Not to mention, it also beneficial for nerve pain and stiff shoulder!?
*Don't you think it's incredible!*
Heika: ...Yuurin, you want to go to the hot spring?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: - // I'm sure I'll never have a chance in this life to go there if not for this part-time job...
Heika: -
Heika: Ah // I see.
Heika: Well then // I guess I'll go once.
*It's a must! You promised me!*
Heika: -...
[*Uugh* I forcefully pushed him to follow my selfishness...]
[- But, truthfully speaking, this is for His Majesty's sake!]
[I call it, "Relaxing at Hot Spring Great Plan!".]
["It's troublesome to go there but once you've arrived, it's paradise". // "His Majesty needs some times too to get away from the official duty once in a while"]
Yuurin: In reality, I feel like he was overworked lately.
*His work suddenly increased after he sneaked out*
[Furthermore, it's only limited during the winter!? If you don't go now, when will you go!]
[She's weak to the instigating phrase.]
Heika: ...If possible, I would like to avoid that place. // ...I guess, it can't be helped.
Heika: I wonder who plotted all this.
[-...That's why, we]
[ended up going to the imperial villa reserved for the Royal family]
Minister: Your Majesty...! Welcome...!
Minister: It's your first visit after your enthronement... // How long I've been waiting for this day to come...
Minister: The feast has been arranged at the central palace.
Heika: ...The consort is tired from riding in the coach. We'll need to take a rest first.
Minister: Certainly...
[Hm? // There are a lot more people than I thought...]
SFX: lines up
Yuurin: Its... so extravagance...
Heika: Are you surprised? It's under different jurisdiction over here after all. // The atmosphere is quite different.
*Cleared out the people*
Rijun: -Exactly. And the people coming in and out are different too compared to the Inner Palace. // I think you'll be seeing them a lot.
[The King's Close Aide: Rijun]
Rijun: Make sure you behave more carefully than usual.
Rijun: - Well, // It's probably a good chance to appeal the good relation between the "Wolf King couple" // Do your best.
Yuurin: Eh?
Rijun: What's with the "Eh?"! It's your original work right! *A temporary bride* // The marriage proposal for His Majesty has quite settled down lately but we have to assure it for double sure!
SFX: clank clank
Heika: -You // won't eat anymore?
Yuurin: - // Somehow, my chest is full...
SFX: lines up
SFX: lines up
[I thought recuperation is done in a place with a few people...! *It's annoying*
*It's better if we don't come right?*
*He seems like he was saying it*
Yuurin: ~
[Damn it!!!]
SFX: pumps up
Heika: I'm sure she wasn't told anything except the information about the hot springs... // -
SFX: slides
Heika: ...
[However, it's not over yet.]
SFX: hmph
[The main agenda of the plan is one and foremost the hot spring!
Maid: There are 16 bathtubs, big and small, in this imperial villa. // This one here is exclusive for the king's consort...
SFX: fluently
SFX: fluently
Maid: --
Maid: It's good for beautiful figure, the previous consorts liked it too. // There are also other baths which are said to be good for injury and illness...
*The hot spring is awesome...*
Yuurin: Look! Seems like there are various effects...
[I'm sure His Majesty will be soothed to...]
Yuurin: Okisaki-sama, it's time to get out of the water.
Yuurin: Eh, // already?
*I just got in...*
Maid: Let us prepare you...
Yuurin: Yes.
Yuurin: ? // Is there anything after this? *I guess it's different from the usual...*
Maid: Well then, // please come here.
Yuurin: *Err* Where are we going right now...?
Maid: *Oh my* Of course, to His Majesty's place. // At the king's exclusive bathroom.
Maid: You can take your time and enjoy the hot spring together.
[Take time]
Maid: The previous king had always toured around the hot springs with the consort. // During your stay, do enjoy them...
SFX: slump
Maid: Okisaki-sama!?
[With His Majesty!?]
Yuurin: I'm sorry... // The spasms of my chronic disease is...
Maid: Oh my! This is bad, what should we do?
SFX: panic
SFX: panic
Yuurin: Pl-...
Yuurin: Please call His Majesty's close aide, Rijun-san...!!!
[That was,]
[Far beyond my expectations!!]
SFX: Appeared
Rijun: Your Majesty!! // What are you planning!
Rijun: I can't allow this! Impossible! // Why did you do something on your own accord!
*It's impure!!*
SFX: pissed
Yuurin: That's right! You're terrible! Do you have any grudges against me!?
Yuurin: You really don't want to come to the hot springs that much!? // To the point that you'll harass me!? *You're the worst!!*
Rijun: In the first place, is it fun to get into the bath with this little girl!
SFX: pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed
Heika: ...Wait a minute. I don't really understand.
Rijun: Didn't you give an order to the court ladies to get into the bath together with the consort?
SFX: pissed
Heika: I didn't.
*What's that?*
Heika: -I didn't receive any affirmation...
Rijun: So, they just do things on their own accord without your order!?
Rijun: It's deviation of professional duties! Unforgivable! I have to question them about this...
Heika: ...
Heika: -Yuurin, your body will get chilled. // If you like, you can enter once again.
Yuurin: Did Your Majesty get in already?
Heika: Nope, not yet. // I'm checking the documents brought from the Royal palace right now.
*The fixed reports will be coming too tomorrow*
Yuurin: -
Yuurin: Immediately worked even after coming here... // So he really isn't interested in hot springs...
[Did it... // fail... *the plan*]
SFX: blub blub blub
Yuurin: Even if I managed to bring him down here somehow, // if the person himself is not up to it...
["...only you can do-...]
Yuurin: I thought it was a good idea.
Maid: Please have this drink after the bath.
Yuurin: Thank you.
[If the person isn't happy, // it's meaningless...]
Maid: - -
Maid: Well then, I'll do that way...
SFX: step step step
Maid: The bedroom is here. // Take your time and rest-...
Yuurin: Oh my, // what a wonderful-
Yuurin: room-...
Yuurin: -
*The finishing blow...*
*The same bedroom...*
*Of course, there's only one bed...*
[-You're probably asking, // ...why, after all this time, but,]
[Speaking about our acting spouse night life,]
[His Majesty will visit the consort's room at a fixed time,]
[And will return to his room at a random time... basically that's what usually happened.]
*Mostly, chatting while playing sugoroku and go.*
SFX: kachank
*Well then, good night-*
*Thanks for your hard work*
[The end of spouse's time!]
[To sum it up, we've never spent the night together...]
SFX: wobble wobble
Yuurin: No good... Somehow my head is spinning.
Heika: -Enough for tonight.
Heika: I don't need unnecessary concern. // ...Do not let anyone comes near this room.
Heika: Careful not to break // my orders.
SFX: Ba-thump
Heika: -... // They're gone.
Heika: I'm sorry. It looks like the people from the imperial villa did something on their own accord again. // ...and seems like the bedroom is only here.
[What the hell with this imperial villa-!!!]
Heika: For the time being, tonight I'll sleep on the that long chair-...]
SFX: ...worn-out
Yuurin: long... // chair...
Heika: Eh!? // Wh-...
Yuurin: ...Ho-...
Yuurin: How come it ended up like this-!!!
SFX: Bwah
SFX: Uwaaaah
Heika: !?
*Sobs, sobs*
SFX: Uwaaa
SFX: aaa
Yuurin: Your Majesty, please use the bed. // You're under recuperation, it's too much if you can't rest~
Heika: Eh
Heika: No, it's okay...
SFX: tears
SFX: tears
Yuurin: But, then, // the plan will... *hic*
SFX: hic
SFX: squeeze
Heika: Yuurin...?
SFX: hic
Yuurin: Hiccup
SFX: stop
Heika: -...
Yuurin: Somehow... // my eyes are spinning...
SFX: spinning
Heika: -Yuurin, // ...did you drink something before coming here?
Yuurin: ? // I had a delicious juice... *hic*
Heika: ...So the last one is sake... // How far they'll do as they please...
SFX: dazed...
Yuurin: ?
Yuurin: Wha re ya duing? I can walk, put me down.
SFX: struggle
SFX: wriggle
Heika: Alright alright, excuse me-
Heika: There. // Don't forget the blanket.
SFX: tug tug
Yuurin: ! // Your Majesty's here. *The long chair for me*
Heika: It's okay, it's okay, I'll change with you later.
*Is that so-*
Elder: ...Tsk
Heika: ...Well then.
SFX: thud thud
Heika: The various unnecessary actions by the imperial villa court ladies... // I do feel someone is pulling the string from behind,
*The bath, the room, and the sake...*
Heika: ...Speaking of which, before, you said the air is good, // the food is delicious, // and there are hot spring here.
Heika: You came here to recuperate for your strained back right. // Elder Chou.
SFX: clomp
Elder: clench
Elder: *Jeez* You poorly treated an elder!
SFX: roll
SFX: roll
Heika: What the Inner Palace's manager who is supposed to be sitting at home,
Heika: doing at a place like this?
SFX: flinch
Elder: *grrr* Devising plans to fulfill your domestic life itself is my duty! My duty! *The imperial villa is my territory too!!
Elder: I only, // want the two of you, who's so irritating to enjoy your first trip.
Elder: Throbbing happening at hot spring☆ // I only made the preparation...
SFX: Kya-
Heika: Don't do unnecessary thing.
Heika: ...So, you're also the one, // who told Yuurin about hot spring in the first place?
Elder: ...Because you won't listen to me. // I used the officials a bit too.
Elder: -But, after that, // that girl came to consult me herself you know?
*Advertise with phrases that Yuurin seems to like*
Elder: "Is hot spring really good for health?"
Elder: "Because His Majesty looks tired lately", she said.
Elder: That's why, // "If you said you want to go, His Majesty will probably go to that annoying hot spring".
Elder: "It's probably something that only you can do", I only said that to her.
*Hot spring*
*Isn't it beneficial!?*
Elder: *Hohoho* Isn't she quite devoted? // ...Making her your real consort here isn't too bad-
Heika: -No matter, // how much you plot from behind,
Heika: I don't have any intention to fulfill your wish. // ...Return to the Inner Palace.
Elder: ...As you wish.
Elder: However, I haven't given up yet! // Take your time and enjoy!! *squeak*
*from window...*
Heika: Just because Yuurin unusually said something selfish,
Heika: I came to the hot spring that I don't really want to come.
Heika: If the person herself doesn't have any intention to be selfish, // it's meaningless.
[The consort's plan continues to fail,]
[and when she woke up, different scenery greeted her.]
SFX: throb
SFX: throb
SFX: throb
Yuurin: ...?
Yuurin: ...
[Outside the window, there is thick morning mist]
[In the blurred mind, there are mysterious headache, and,]
[for some reason, the wolf king is by her side.]
Yuurin: What's this?

SFX: throb
[For the time being, right now, // what can be understood with the frozen mind is,]
Yuurin: Er, err... // Ah... yea... right...
Yuurin: I shouldn't have come to hot spring...
[That's all...]
Yuurin: I wonder if I'll wake up at the Inner Palace if I sleep again...
End of Chapter 16.
PW: day:break