[May thou, will never lose the light.]
Kapitel.84 Replica 2
[If you hold out your hand, I'm sure, you'll be able to seize even the light-.]
Raggs King: In order to make freedom and peace in the world become something unshakeble,
Raggs King: It's essential to encourage the development of friendly relations between our countries. // Every human is blessed with reason and conscience...
[The olden days of Raggs King...]
People: What do you think of Raggs King ?
People: He has good eyes.
People: No, we don't know what's he thinking under the surface.
People: But, his speech is always fair. We can believe it.
*Not to mention, the food is delicious*
People: I went to Raggs for a trip. It is a good country.
SFX: shine shine
Barsburg Emperor: ...
SFX: clap clap clap
Teito: Don't fuck with me... The humans...
Teito: So, you've treated Ouka like a tool...!!
Barsburg Emperor: ...How annoying. // As I thought, I won't be satisfied by just confining you.
Barsburg Emperor: That gaze.
Barsburg Emperor: It's the spitting image of that guy...!!
Barsburg Emperor: Ouka, .. he is of Ragg descendant.
Barsburg Emperor: A rebel.
Barsburg Emperor: KILL HIM!!
SFX: whoosh!!
Teito: !!!
Teito: ...Ouka!!
Ouka: Ra
Ouka: gg
Ouka: s
Ouka: Everything
Ouka: from // Raggs
Ouka: has to be // killed!
SFX: threatening atmosphere
SFX: bzzt bzzt
Barsburg Emperor: Ouka!!
Barsburg Emperor: Do not harm the dummies!!
Teito: Ouka!!
Teito: Stop!!
[I have to wake her up.]
Teito: You were crying in the pool of blood at that time!! // Saying that you don't want to kill anymore...!!
[What should I do]
Teito: I had enough of that experience!!
[What should I do...!!]
SFX: fwoosh
Teito: !?
[This place is...!?]
Raggs King: That island doesn't seem well...
[That was... Father, dad, and me...]
Teito: Ah...
SFX: rumble rumble
Teito: The island... // is gone...

Raggs King: Every continent in this world has life, // and is floating in the sky.
SFX: fwoosh
Raggs King: But, it can't afford to keep floating forever.
Raggs King: It can't...
Raggs: It will float a lot until its life reaches the limit,
Raggs: and when it's tired, finally
Raggs: It will return to the ocean below.
SFX: woosh!!
SFX: Screech
Raggs King: And then, look carefully, Tiashe.
Raggs King: This is the Eye of Mikael's power.
SFX: lights
Raggs King: This light
SFX: szzt szzt
Raggs King: Can breath new life into the continent which had sunk.
SFX: szzt
Raggs King: Eventually, the day when you will also be relied on by the world will come.
Raggs King: You definitely cannot use the eye's power for dispute.
Raggs King: The light will shine with unlimited love upon everything equally,
Raggs: and will become the foundation stone to the cycle of nature life...
SFX: screech
Teito: Ouka...!!
Teito: The eye...
Teito: The eye's power
[Oh light,]
[Reach her]
Teito: doesn't exist for war!!
SFX: lights
Teito: Ouka!!
[10 years ago]
[I couldn't catch hold of her at that time.]
[That hand]
Voice: ...value, normal.
SFX: beep
SFX: beep
SFX: whoosh
Voice: Brainwaves, normal.
SFX: beep
Scientist: Doing research for continuous days on a 3 year old... // It's too early for actual combat.
SFX: beep
Oak: We have been at war with Raggs these past recent years.
Oak: The time is precious.
Scientist: ...But!!
Oak: Not only that the previous empress is dead, // the empress replica reproduction also ended with a failure.
SFX: beep
Oak: We can't stop here now.
SFX: Bzzt
Scientist: !?
Scientist: Something is wrong with the princess condition!!
Scientist: The life support device // is not working!!
SFX: beep
SFX: jolt
Scientist: The princess's heart has stopped!!
SFX: beep
Scientist: The resonance dropped to 3%!!
Oak: Continue with the reviving task!!
SFX: splash!!
Oak: Stitch that meat pieces and make the princess again!!
Scientist: That... That's absurd!!
Oak: You're a scientist right!! Do something!!
SFX: cough cough
Nanase: General Oak.
Nanase: Please come over here...
Oak: This is... The pricess's replica!!
Oak: So, you have been making progress this much...!!
Nanase: Currently, we have 47 bodies of replica we constructed from the princess's DNA.
Nanase: Please take a look here.
SFX: blop blop
Nanase: OR-0007... Resonance, 99.7%
Nanase: The closest life form to the princess.
Oak: Does it... move?
Nanase: As long as she's with the Eye of Raphael.
Oak: ...
Oak: Nanase. // The princess is alive.
Oak: Delete everything that happened in the laboratory from any records.
Oak: Make sure the emperor doesn't hear about this.
[Come here, OR-0007. From today, you are Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg.]

Ouka: How... could it be.
Ouka: I am,
Ouka: a replica...?
[The shocking truth that comes to light!!]
The next issue will be out in Japan by June 28th.
We still don't know who was the woman the emperor visited the other day, but yes, the real Ouka is dead. And I'm glad the horrible Oak is dead too! Seriously, doesn't he have any pity? Doing experiment till the body explodes!! The sly Oak told Nanase, to keep the secret, but obviously the emperor knew about the truth. Hmm... There are a lot more that need to be unveiled! The emperor really hates Teito's father! Could it be that the woman is Teito's mother??
So, what do you think about the chapter? ^^
PW: youreyes